The Veronica Edwards Show

Eat Sleep Move Your Feet : Health & Wellness Goals

Veronica Edwards / Jade Williams

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Get ready to be inspired by our wellness guru, Jade Williams, as she returns to BizRadious to share her incredible journey between the US and Costa Rica. Join us as we celebrate almost 5,000 downloads and dive into the importance of setting smart health and wellness goals. Jade uncovers her travel adventures and gives us practical insights on creating a wellness vision, evaluating your current health status, and setting achievable goals. Through a simulated coaching session, learn how to integrate physical activity, diet, sleep, mindfulness, stress management, and emotional communication into your lifestyle for holistic well-being.

Discover the secrets of establishing a sustainable morning mindfulness practice with tips on journaling, breathwork, and guided meditation. We break down strategies to make these habits consistent even amidst travel or hosting guests. Plus, we highlight the transformative power of travel, especially for solo female travelers and African-American minorities, celebrating their courage and empowerment. Tune in to hear how these experiences can elevate your wellness journey and find appreciation for everyone's support of BizRadious.

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Welcome to the Veronica Edwards show, where we have fun financial conversations that everyone listening can apply to their personal and professional life. I'm your host, veronica Edwards, always excited to be back here for season four I have to catch myself from saying season three and I just always want to thank the V Team for downloading the podcast. We are already almost to 5,000 downloads and my goal is always to get the number of downloads for the season. So we've already surpassed 4,000 downloads and we are getting close to 5, five thousand downloads before season five. So today is one of my favorite quarterly segments our health and wellness segment. Eat, sleep, move your feet with our amazing in-house wellness guru, miss Jade Williams. Jade, welcome back.


Hello, hello, thanks for having me back.


Yeah. So Jade, before we get started, I would love. Jade is a world traveler, darling. I would love for you to share some of the travels you've had, because I was looking back at the notes, jade, I don't think we've had a recording since March and anyone that listens to the show I'm like I miss Jade. I don't know where Jade is. I haven't heard from her. So we reconnected and Jade and I actually finally got a chance to meet face to face, you know, a week ago. I think we've known each other for three years, but I just love the life that you're living, traveling, going places. So please let us hear a little bit about your business before we get started on today's show.


Yes, well, I mean I love travel. It just, I mean, like a lot of people, it's just something that I'm passionate about, I love I feel like I am in my comfort zone when I'm outside of my comfort zone a little bit. So yeah, so I've just always really liked to explore new places, meet new people. I love Spanish, so I really love traveling through Latin America. When I was 17, I made a goal of trying to get to all of the continents. So I've been to all of them except for Antarctica.


Slider, I know right, so can you do. Antarctica Does anybody know?


Antarctica. You can do Antarctica. I've looked into tickets and it is quite expensive to get there and, honestly, if I never make it there, that will be okay. I've traveled quite enough and I've had some really good experiences.


Well, anybody listening? We're going to try to find a sponsor for.


JT yes, if you know anybody yeah.


I'm sure we could do a GoFundMe for a young Black woman going to Antarctica. Yes, absolutely. So now, when we were chatting last week, you're going to be going to what? Costa Rica?


Yes, so first I'm going to Belize to visit my mom. My mom lives there. So I'm going to go spend the month of January with my mom in Costa Rica or, I'm sorry, in Belize, and then I'm going to spend the month of February in Costa Rica. That'll be a solo trip. I'm exploring some different places because my goal is to divide my time between the US and possibly Costa Rica.


I love that and of course it's like when you find when you buy a brand new car, you start seeing that car everywhere. So when we spoke last week, I had a meeting with a client the next day and she's literally in Costa Rica. Oh really, yes. She said her and her husband sold everything and they're just traveling different places. So when we were talking, I remember I was asking you like how far are you from the airport? How much is it going to be? She said they took like a $4 like cab ride or something from the airport.


Yeah, so I was like why am I living in Asheville? Too expensive, right? Yes, yes.


Well, that is that kind of ties into all of our health and wellness as well, Because, like you said, you feel good based on where you're geographically located, the culture, the language, all the things. So today's show is all about health and wellness goals. And again, I always want to give the little blurb that Jade is a national board certified health and wellness coach. A health coach is a guide and mentor who empowers you and provides ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.


And I think a lot of times people think that means what you put in your mouth, but that's just the piece of it. It's how much sun you're getting, that you're moving around, you know who you have around you, keeping a positive mindset. So this is going to be a different type of show because we're going to kind of emulate what it would be like if I was a client of Jade's and I'm like, hey, I want to focus on being a whole person health, mind type of thing and I need to set some goals. So, Jade, if I was your client, please walk me through and the listeners of how do we go about setting these health and wellness goals.


Yes, absolutely so. Of course, this will be a abbreviated version of what might happen in a coaching session.


But typically it's starting off with, you know, your wellness vision, what do you want for yourself when it comes to your overall sense of health and well being. And that's just kind of taking stock of where you're currently at in these different areas and maybe thinking about where you might like to be some changes that you might like to make in order to achieve the vision that you have. So it's helpful to think of kind of breaking down wellness into some different areas to focus on. So it could be, you know, changes in your physical well-being with physical activity, how you're eating, sleep, of course, those areas that we talk about quite a bit on the show. Then also your mental well-being, so maybe learning mindfulness could be something that you're wanting to make some changes in.


Emotional well-being, so how you're managing stress, building resilience, your relationship to your emotions, how you communicate your emotions to other people, the social aspect of well-being, so your relationships and social connections. So maybe wanting to make some changes in that area. Or it could be spiritual, so feeling more of a sense of purpose, incorporating religious practices, meditation practices into your routines. So definitely just kind of starting with your vision that you have for yourself and then maybe identifying one, maybe two areas that you might like to make some changes in. I encourage people not to try to change all the things all at once.


It gets to be just too overwhelming to do that, so one maybe two things at the most.


Yes, so Veronica if you had to pick an area that you would like to focus on and make some changes in, what would that area be?


Oh, definitely making more room for mindfulness. You know, I feel like I definitely have gotten more anxiety over the years with having a child and family members dying and having a business and all those things and having a business and all those things and as much as I'm like, oh yeah, I'm balancing it and I'm doing all that. I feel like I can take some more time to focus on my breathing, you know, and just having some more guided meditation. But I just feel silly at times because I'm like I get so distracted. So I'm like, okay, what am I doing?


Yeah, yeah, absolutely so. Incorporating more mindfulness I hear you saying some meditation into your routine. That sounds like something that would be beneficial for you and managing all the things.


And definitely spending more time outside. Okay, I just feel like any of you guys listening, you know I work from home. You know, right now I'm doing the podcast in my pajamas at my kitchen table because I'm from my office, and then I'm trying to do all the things and then pick up my son from school and then finish up some meat and do all this stuff and I'm finding I can go a whole weekend and I haven't been outside, and so I really do feel like that has been affecting my mood more and my wellness. I definitely want to try to make more time to. You know, get some sun.


Yeah, absolutely so. Mindfulness and time outside, maybe figuring out how to combine the two, if that's something that would be helpful.


So so you've got the areas that you would like to focus on some time outside some mindfulness. So next would be creating um, some SMART goals with these areas that you want to focus on. So a lot of people are familiar with SMART goals and, for folks who don't know, SMART is the acronym, so S-M-A-R-T, and that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. So that would mean making sure that whatever goals that you're setting, that it's specific. So defining the goal clearly. For example, if it was related to exercise, that you're going to exercise for 30 minutes each day, you want to make sure that it's measurable.


So choosing a goal that can be tracked. So, for example, if you were to be tracking the number of steps you're taking each day, the A is achievable. So wanting to make sure that it's realistic for you and doable with your lifestyle and what you've got going on in your world. The R is relevant, so making sure that it's aligned with your values and your needs and where you're at. And then the T would be making sure that it's time bound. So setting a deadline or having a timeframe that you're working on with this goal. So it could be something that you're wanting to work on just for the next 30 days, or it might be a three-month goal that you're setting for yourself, or a six-month goal if you're looking a little bit further down the road. So just trying to make sure that you've got all those components so that you have clarity on what it is that you're wanting to focus on. So what might be a SMART goal related to the areas you want to focus on?


So I love that you told me I can combine the mindfulness and going outside.


I didn't think about that.


That's how my brain works. I'm like oh, I'm so black and white.


So, again.


This is another reason why listeners is good, because a wellness coach is kind of like a therapist you know a lot of things. It's like when a therapist says it to you you're like, oh yeah, duh, I knew that, but you need somebody to help guide you. So I would say some smart goals for me with the mindfulness, and being outside is just really sticking to a set routine, because I'm a creature of habit, so once the day kind of gets away from me, it's a wrap.


I'm very much a morning person, so I feel like I need to set some goals where it's every morning for five, maybe start off with five minutes in the morning where I can go on my back porch and just kind of have that privacy, because I always wake up before my boys do, my boys being my husband and my nine-year-old son, and so if that means I have to get up 5.30 or six o'clock in the morning and just have that time outside. But the only thing is at that time right now it's dark, so I do have to think about that.


Right, absolutely, absolutely Okay. So I'm hearing for you, a SMART goal would be doing five minutes of mindfulness each morning, and what would be the timeline, timeframe that you're wanting to focus on this? Would this be something that you're really wanting to focus on for the next month or so, or the next few months? For the next month or so, or the next few months?


I think definitely I want to push myself to make it a lifestyle change. So I'll just say you know we're in September, so from now until the end of the year I really want to push myself, at the minimum to do that first thing in the morning.


you know to start my day? Yeah, absolutely Okay. So starting the day off in the mornings? Five minutes of mindfulness from now until the end of the year.


Yes, ma'am.


All right. So you've got the goal that you're wanting to work on, so the next step is breaking that down into some action steps. So, for you, something that just comes to mind would be what type of mindfulness do you want to do? Is that doing some breath work? Would it be doing a guided meditation? Maybe it's doing some journaling. So what comes up for you when it comes to the type of mindfulness?


Ooh, jade, I'm so glad that you said that, because, when it comes to mindfulness, I didn't even realize it could be journaling. I thought it had to be almost like prayer, like you need to have your eyes closed.


You know like I listened to those on YouTube where it's like the water in the background and they're telling you listen to your breathing and all. So that's good. I think I will, you know, do a mix of cause. I find that I can do try to be quiet and my brain's trying to focus for a minute, but then after that it's hard. So maybe the journaling I like that aspect of just getting all of my concerns, worries I'm a checklist person getting that all out on paper to start the day.


Yeah, absolutely. So, kind of just having that, that routine, that habit of a morning journaling practice, kind of to set the tone for the day.


Yes, absolutely.


Perfect. Some other things to think about as you are creating action steps and routines for habits would be setting up that schedule. So you've already identified five minutes in the morning, so it can be exactly what time do you want to do. This can be helpful. Is there anything else that you might need to have out, for example, a journal, a pen? If you're somebody like me, I like to journal and have my cup of tea, a candle, I like to set the environment, so just kind of thinking along those lines as well can be helpful for you You're giving me really good ideas and then also for you know, working mommies that are listening.


sometimes we oversleep all the things. But I definitely want to make a point that it's before I start any meetings. I usually don't have any meetings until nine o'clock because my son is dropped off at school at eight and I'm thankful that my husband does that but then he doesn't go to work till nine. So once he drops him off he'll come back home. You know we're chit-chatting, but then I'm like okay, get on out of here.


So I can have some time but he's usually always gone by like 8. Or 845. So that gives me that time before nine o'clock before I have a meeting. If I do miss, it, first thing, and I'm kind of running behind.


I can do it then. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So just kind of working with where you're at. You know there's obviously other people in your house.


So having to you know, coordinate some things so that you are able to devote the time to doing this to start out your day, like you said. You know doing this before there's any meetings as well as something that's important for you to focus on also. So other things just to think about with action steps would be tracking your progress is something that's helpful to do. Some people.


You can do that in so many different ways with habit tracking apps or, just you know, in the journal itself if you want to, just you know, kind of check off as you're doing things. That can be helpful to have kind of a visual reminder of your progress as you're working on different areas. So tracking is very helpful. And then also accountability can be helpful as well. So of course, some people will use coaching sessions as a source of accountability for themselves as they're working on action steps and their overall goals. But it might also be just communicating what you're working on with a friend, a family member, a significant other, a coworker, somebody else in your world, and have them check in with you see how things are going, because that can be helpful too, just with maintaining consistency with what you're working on, verbalizing your intentions and your plans to somebody else.


I love all that. And a question I have for you, jay. For this week, for example, my mom's going to be coming out Shout out to mommy, so now my schedule is going to be all over the place, and then I'm going to be flying out of town this weekend. How do you recommend we stay consistent when we do have changes in routine and traveling?


Yeah, absolutely. I definitely encourage flexibility. You know, a lot of times people will fall into some of that all or nothing thinking or perfectionism. When it does come to goal setting and you know action steps that it's got to be. Okay. I've got to do this every single day, very black and white. I cannot miss. But that is not life, that is not realistic to have that sort of thinking.


So, yes, if it is still a habit and a practice that you want to do when you have company or that you know when you are traveling, just kind of think through in advance what that might look like, would it be, you know?


Are you going to be getting up, you know, earlier with your mom? Maybe you're not able to devote that time to the morning, but maybe it's something that you could pivot and do towards the end of the day. If that's something where you're still wanting to make sure that you get something in on a daily basis, or is it maybe, you know, if you're away out of town, would you like to still at least try to devote maybe a few days through during the week to this specific goal that you're working on, as opposed to every single day? So just figuring out what it could still look like, so that you are able to get it in, even if it doesn't necessarily look the exact way that you want to, when you're away from home versus at home, or when you have visitors versus when you don't have visitors. So I'm a big fan of flexibility having routine and having structure, but also having some flexibility.


And I think that's something I have to give myself a little grace with, because I've read recently which it is very true A lot of times a lot of people that suffer from anxiety, like myself. They're perfectionists and you put a lot of pressure on yourself that you got to do this and you got to do that. So that's why you feel anxious and thinking all the things. But, just like you said, it's like well, we're trying to set goals but it's not so black and white, you know. So if I want to do it every day, I might want to say, well, majority of the week, so if I do miss two days, I want to make sure I do it at least five days out the week. And it's not the end of the world, but I think that would be a goal for me to just try to push myself for at least 30 days. You know, like to try to do it every day versus this.


It could feel like a daunting task, like, okay, the next three months until the end of the year, the holidays, and it does get busy between now and new years with visiting family and school and blah, blah blah. So I love that you said that, cause I do feel at times when we start talking about goals, we feel like we failed as soon as we don't hit that goal, and so I'm glad that you mentioned that, that you can have some grace.


Yes, I always encourage my clients. Perfection is not the goal, progress is the goal. So progress over perfection any day of the week.


I'm using that over perfection. So, jay, we're almost to the end of the show. Is there anything else that you want to leave the listeners with? If we were in a session, when would you follow up with me to ensure that I'm doing all the things, or what would be things that folks that are listening, if they want to start doing this without possibly having a coach, like you said, you can have other folks. What would you recommend?


Yeah, I just recommend, kind of, you know what we talked about. You know, starting with that vision, what you want for yourself, those specific areas you want to focus on identifying the goal, breaking those down and then checking back in with yourself. You know if it's on a weekly basis, every other week, check in and see what's going well as you're working on this goal, maybe what, what isn't going so well, what needs to be tweaked, and then also celebrating your successes. Again, you know, regardless of you know how small the victory might be. You know progress is what you're aiming for. So I always encourage people. Just, you know, celebrate the victories. You know if you have a streak of three days of doing something, new, a new routine.


You know that's to be celebrated.


You know, we're so hard on ourselves, so I just appreciate you saying that, because we can focus so much on what we don't have or what we haven't done and we're not parenting ourselves, we're not being kind to ourselves. So that's why I love these segments, because I feel like a lot of times we get so caught up in the routine and the hustle and bustle and we just need to dial it back, make some time for ourselves and realize like it's not the end of the world, you know, like if you can't do certain things, but it is very important to be prioritizing your health and your wellness. Yes, absolutely, absolutely. Well, jay, thank you so much, absolutely.


Absolutely Well.


Jay, thank you so much and you know we'll definitely get some pre recordings in, but I love the fact that with you traveling hey, it's virtual, you know.


I can do this from anywhere.


You can do it from anywhere. So I'm so happy for you and excited Like I'm definitely going to have a segment where it's like, okay, we need some videos. We need to understand health and wellness in Costa Rica and some of these other places and for people that are listening, that are traveling, and you know I'm all about wanting to promote, especially African-American minorities, women, and you're going there by yourself and I just want to say girl power to you. I want to be you when.


I grow up because I think it's going to be a life-changing experience.


Yeah, I'm so excited, yeah, so I just want to thank you. I want to thank all the listeners for tuning into bizradious for the Veronica Edwards show and all the other shows on bizradious. And if you missed the live airing of the Veronica Edwards show, you can listen to prior shows at veronicaedwardsbuzzsproutcom.